Buy Energy + Focus Shroom Microdose Deadhead Chemist (24) Online
Buy Energy + Focus Shroom Microdose Deadhead Chemist (24)
Deadhead Chemist Microdose Magic Mushroom Capsules comes with 24 pills.
Paul Stamets recommended microdosing protocol. Take a microdose every day for four days, then three days off.
150mg – Dried Psilocybe
200mg – Lions Mane
Psilocybin’s main effects is to stimulate a serotonin receptor called “5-HT2A” located in the prefrontal cortex, which leads to two important results:
The production of “Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor” (BDNF), a protein that is “like Miracle-Gro for your brain,” according to Waldman. BDNF stimulates growth, connections, and activity. [1]
The increased transmission of “Glutamate,” a neurotransmitter responsible (in part) for important brain functions such as cognition, learning, and memory. [2]
Dampen the activity of an often over-used part of our brain called the “Default Mode Network” (DMN). [4] The DMN is responsible for many mental activities, including day-dreaming, self-reflection, and thinking about the past or the future
Psychedelics could be used to combat depression and anxiety—as well as lead to insights and creative perspectives that may otherwise remain inaccessible.
Benefits of Micro-dosing
To reduce the frequency and intensity of undesirable states caused by various forms of mental illness including:
Mood disorders
To increase the frequency and intensity of desirable states/outcomes, including:
Flow states
Improved relationships/increased empathy
Athletic coordination
Leadership development
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